- (?), ? to Andrew, Sarah
- Andrews, (?) to Barnes, William
- Barnett, Sarah to Bosworth, Edward
- Bosworth, Elisha to Carpenter, William
- Carr, Ellen to Cate, John J.
- Cate, John Jacob to Cates, Ella
- Cates, Ella to Cochran, Silas Robert
- Coe, John to Downing, Thomas
- Dowst, Sally to Eyrick, Thomas
- Eyricke, Robert to Francis, Zipporah Louise
- Freeman, Alice to Hale, Bartholomew
- Hale, Bert to Hinkley, Thomas
- Hoag, Susannah to Ingalls, Polly or Mary
- Ingersoll, Martha to Lane, Winfield Scott
- Lang, Data J to Mayo, Hannah
- McCarvar, Eva to Morse, Elizabeth
- Morse, Elizabeth to Parcher, Patience
- Parker, (?) to Prence, Thomas
- Prescott, (?) to Scribner, Hannah
- Scribner, Hannah to Short, Sarah
- Shortt, Lucy Christiana Brigham to Somner, (?)
- Soole, John to Trumble, Ruth
- Tucker, Alice Norman to Wight, Love
- Wightman, Maggie to Young, Prudence